Saturday, July 07, 2007

Drama Camp

Hey y'all! It's Kayla. I just wanted to give everyone an update.
I was at Bob Jones for drama camp for a week and I had a blast! They kept us going all day, but I met a lot of cool people and took great classes. We went to a service almost every day, and they were really good. But what really got me was the testimony time we had on Thursday. One of the other girls got up to speak, and I was sort of irritated because she annoyed me a little. But her testimony was amazing. She had just gotten saved, and she went on and on about how God is your best friend. That got me thinking about my relationship with Him, which isn't as good as it should be. So that's basically what I learned at drama camp, that God is my best friend and I should have a better relationship with Him.
Like I said, I had a great time at Bob Jones. The food was okay, and the dorms were alright. I even took a class in stage combat! But I'm ready to come home and see every one. Melody and I are flying back next Thursday, and I would appreciate prayers for a safe flight. I can't wait to see y'all and hear bout the missions trip! Bye!

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