Thursday, July 05, 2007

God's Work in Mexico

Thank you for praying for us! God did an extreme work in Mexico this past week. Seven people accepted Christ, including a sweet man named Johnny (pictured) who has a Christian family in Columbia that have been praying for his salvation for many years.

We were able to get many things done around the institute as well. There was a new tool shed built, buildings painted, dorms cleaned, a baptismal was repainted, the electricity wires in the office building were fixed, and even three couches were re-upholstered. Thank God for all the work that was accomplished and for all the volunteers that sacrificed their vacations to do his work in Mexico.

I ask that you would keep praying for the others we passed out tracts to. They received them with such eagerness; I hope they have the same longing to know God more and receive His Gift.

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