Monday, July 23, 2007

Prayer Request

Hey everyone. I have a prayer request. Ok I guess on Thursday my biological father was in a car accident. I dont really know everything about it. I went to see him in the hospital yesterday and he was telling me a little about it when no one else was in the room. He said his left arm went through the window and got cut on the glass. I have no clue how deep it was but he said he lost ALOT of blood and he had to take a helicopter to St. Joseph's Hospital and had like 2 or 3 surgerys. He should be coming home today (7-23-07). Just pray for him as his recovery will be hard.

And next most of you know but Jesse and Grant got hurt at Treasure Mountain. Pray that their recovery will be quick and without alot of pain. Also pray for those that saw everything just to help it get out of there mind and trust in God through this situation. God does everything for a reason and sometimes only He knows what for.

1 comment:

Rachel R said...

I will be praying for your dad!

I have been and will continue to pray for Jesse and Grant! God is so good and was watching over them both so much that day. He is always in control!