Monday, July 23, 2007


I am so thankful that God is in control all of the time - not just some of the time! He is in control even during the situations that to us seem totally out of control! God has always known that the accident on the trailer would happen, and it didn't take Him by surprise. He is always watching over us. "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." Psalm 91:12

I also praise God because as we focus on who He is, we can have a perfect peace that passes all understanding. That is such an amazing promise. So many people live in fear and uncertainty, but as Christians we don't have to. We serve a God who loves us so much and is completely trustworthy!

"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is tried; He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him." Psalm 18:19

Prayer Request

Hey everyone. I have a prayer request. Ok I guess on Thursday my biological father was in a car accident. I dont really know everything about it. I went to see him in the hospital yesterday and he was telling me a little about it when no one else was in the room. He said his left arm went through the window and got cut on the glass. I have no clue how deep it was but he said he lost ALOT of blood and he had to take a helicopter to St. Joseph's Hospital and had like 2 or 3 surgerys. He should be coming home today (7-23-07). Just pray for him as his recovery will be hard.

And next most of you know but Jesse and Grant got hurt at Treasure Mountain. Pray that their recovery will be quick and without alot of pain. Also pray for those that saw everything just to help it get out of there mind and trust in God through this situation. God does everything for a reason and sometimes only He knows what for.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Drama Camp

Hey y'all! It's Kayla. I just wanted to give everyone an update.
I was at Bob Jones for drama camp for a week and I had a blast! They kept us going all day, but I met a lot of cool people and took great classes. We went to a service almost every day, and they were really good. But what really got me was the testimony time we had on Thursday. One of the other girls got up to speak, and I was sort of irritated because she annoyed me a little. But her testimony was amazing. She had just gotten saved, and she went on and on about how God is your best friend. That got me thinking about my relationship with Him, which isn't as good as it should be. So that's basically what I learned at drama camp, that God is my best friend and I should have a better relationship with Him.
Like I said, I had a great time at Bob Jones. The food was okay, and the dorms were alright. I even took a class in stage combat! But I'm ready to come home and see every one. Melody and I are flying back next Thursday, and I would appreciate prayers for a safe flight. I can't wait to see y'all and hear bout the missions trip! Bye!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

God's Work in Mexico

Thank you for praying for us! God did an extreme work in Mexico this past week. Seven people accepted Christ, including a sweet man named Johnny (pictured) who has a Christian family in Columbia that have been praying for his salvation for many years.

We were able to get many things done around the institute as well. There was a new tool shed built, buildings painted, dorms cleaned, a baptismal was repainted, the electricity wires in the office building were fixed, and even three couches were re-upholstered. Thank God for all the work that was accomplished and for all the volunteers that sacrificed their vacations to do his work in Mexico.

I ask that you would keep praying for the others we passed out tracts to. They received them with such eagerness; I hope they have the same longing to know God more and receive His Gift.