Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Promise Fulfilled – Matthew 1:22-23

Matthew 1:22-23
22 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,
23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

As you turn from the Old Testament to the New, a wonderful thing happens: things that were promised begin to come true. Here, we see a promise specifically mentioned in Isaiah 7:14 come to life in this first story of the New Testament. The coming of the Messiah was often looked for by the Jewish people. They waited...and waited...and waited some more. It probably looked bleak to many who had already given up all hope. But there was a promise. And finally, the promise was fulfilled.

I have to admit that it is easy to look at the way things are going in the world and get discouraged about the wickedness that abounds, even in churches. So much is said and done that does not honor the Lord. I wonder if persecution of believers in this country is right around the corner. At times, the prospect of God’s intervention might seem like something that is not likely to happen. But the promises of the Old Testament are not finished. Even the end of the New Testament, the book of Revelation, promises the final triumph of Jesus Christ. I as a Christian am on the winning side. The question is this: will I trust Him? Will I be patient?

I can imagine that it must have been difficult for year after year to pass without the Jews seeing their Messiah come. They wanted the Messiah to come earlier, and in a different way. But God knows best and always acts accordingly. He exists outside of time. He does what He wants, when He wants. And it is always best for His children to wait on Him.

Times will come when we will face discouragement. We will be tempted to give up on doing what is right, thinking that it will not really matter. We will have thoughts that God is not acting in the world on behalf of His people. At times like these, God’s people must rest...and wait...and rejoice in His promises. And we should also rejoice that He will accomplish His purpose in His time. So whenever you think about Jesus Christ as the baby in the manger, remember the promise behind that gift, and then cherish God’s promises to you.

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