Friday, February 09, 2007

Pettit Meetings

The Pettit meetings were last week at our church and they were great! There were a lot of decisions made. It was amazing to see the way God worked during the week. Thursday was amazing! Monday thru Wednesday we went out and passed out flyers and got names for the teen night on Thursday. On Monday a group of us headed out together. We didn't see many people walking around. Pastor James pulled onto a side street so that two people could jump out and catch two people at a bus stop. When he was trying to turn around he turned into an apartment complex that we didn't even know existed. There were some girls there so Erika, Emily and I hopped out to talk to them. They were really excited about it and gave us not only their own names and numbers but the numbers of some of their friends. They came on Thursday night with few of their friends, and 4 or5 of them got saved! If that isn't a divine appointment, I don't know what is.

Please pray that those who professed salvation Thursday night would continue to come back and grow. Also pray that those of us who made decisions during the week would keep them up. This is a critical time and we need your prayers.


Rachel R said...

I'm so excited to hear what God is doing!!! I'm praying for all of you!
Rachel :)

Erika said...

Yes, It was very exciting to see those girls come from the apartments and see them respond to the salvation message.

I have another story like that on Monday. We were out recruiting with the team on Wednesday and we were going places but didn't really have alot of luck on finding alot of people. It was almost time to end and go eat and we just decided to look through some packing lots. We drove past McDonalds and we saw a teenager but wasn't able to get him and then after that we saw about 5 teens on their bikes just sitting and talking. We talked to them and they were pretty excited about it and said they wanted to come. Well after we were done with them we found out that a group of their friends were around the corner. So we ended up talking to maybe 6-8 more kids. It was pretty exciting. Then on Thursday night about 5 of those boys came and responded to the message. It was exciting to see God work that night and through the whole week.

Anonymous said...

Yes it was just an amazing weeking seeing people come to christ.I think of the girl who sat next to me during the thursday night service saying a prayer.I was just so excited to see her get saved.I enjoyed hanging around people who needed to hear about Jesus and then seeing them respond just made me jump up and down.Rosemary your were as excited as me. :)