Monday, July 03, 2006

Amazing Thought

I Peter 1:24
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

I have a challenge for you guys. It's been on my mind since the half-way party for Scripture Scholarship, but I've only just now have it coherent to blog. So here goes.

I, like most of the rest of you, am a second, or even third-generation Christian. My parents are Christians and my living grandma goes to church. So, I grew up hearing about how Jesus died on the cross for me. But it was never real. I knew it in my head, but it didn't mean much. Then, in Scripture Scholarship I memorized that verse and it really stuck out. Jesus-the Perfect Son of God- died an agonizing death for me! I can't believe it. I know the wickedness of my heart and the thought that a perfect God loved me enough to die for me blows my mind away. It's amazing. And since we have that knowledge, why aren't we telling people about it? Anyway, that's my testimony. I hope God uses it.
In His Hands,

1 comment:

Rachel R said...

Good thought, Kayla. It is amazing to think about what Christ has done for us!