Friday, June 30, 2006


Hi everyone! We are back from Mexico now!! Thanks for praying for us.

Well Mexico was GREAT! I LOVE it there. My favorite part was probably passing out tracks and John/Roman Bibles. The people there were so kind and nice. If you gave them a track they didn't just throw it away they took and started reading it and said thank you. When you give someone a track here in the US they usually dont really care and dont want it or take it and just throw it away. BUt it was great to see everyone reading the things you just gave them. The first night we got there we invited people to a youth rally and we also gave them John/Romans. And when we were walking around you saw people everywhere reading what we just gave them it was so great! Another thing i liked was how the people at church are so welcoming and kind. We would go to church and they would shake our hand and talk to us as though they have known us for awhile. What really hit me was at most of the churches we went to there wasnt any air conditioning. All they had we a couple of fans or nothing. And what amazed me was the people didnt care the still went to church every time and served God no matter what. Another thing was when we went out passing out things people were usually in their yard as a family talking and stuff. I think that is great because you can get so close to your family and spend so much time with them. They werent consumed with TV and Internet or games they were happy with what they had. I think thats amazing.

Well I want to encourage you all to just think how blessed you are by God. Some of you might be thinking that must be terrible that most of them dont have air or tv or games but you know I think thats a good thing. Because most of all that stuff is just destracting us from serving God. So think about what you have and how much time you are spending time with it. Serving God is the best thing ever!

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