Saturday, March 04, 2006

Devotional Challenge

Here's a challenge for any of you who have some extra time on your hands:

Read your Bible cover-to-cover in 52 days.

In order to do this, find a year long Bible reading plan (such as and read 7 days each day. It should only take on an average of an hour and twenty five minutes (It takes 72 hours to read the Bible outloud at "pulpit rate.") each day.

Any takers?

1 comment:

CWatson said...

I've done it once. It is difficult to remain disciplined to do it, but it can be done. Now that I'm in seminary, I don't have the time. It is enough to do daily devotions, plus required reading of books (and required Bible reading. Last semester, I read the whole OT. This semester, its the NT plus all of Paul twice - plus much several NT books/passages in Greek).