Sunday, March 05, 2006

God Works in Mysterious Ways

Alright, my dad has been really straying from God for a long while. He used to be a really, really spiritual person and actually, I believe deep down he still is, because he has a good knowledge of the Bible and the Christian faith, he's taught me a LOT. It's been a long time since he's read the Bible, but here's my praise.

Last night, he was outside, and I started having an interesting conversation with him. It was basically about a lot of biblical stuff, the KJV Bible and about people from the Bible and such, and I got out a Bible, and he took it from me and read it! My mom told me that she really believes God is working. It's been 2 YEARS since he's read God's Word, so I'm just really, really thankful for that.

I understand and know that God IS in control and that He's working through everything, and He reminded me of that last night after I was done talking to my dad. Today, I just want to remind everyone to fully rely on God, because God NEVER fails and He always knows what's right for you.

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