Friday, March 03, 2006

Prayer Request

I have a prayer request.....My Aunt,Uncle,and Cousin are coming over from England in May!! YAY!!!! But they are not saved, and I would ask that you all pray for them! Their names are Auntie Vicki, Uncle John, and Emma. My mom has been talking to them about everyday to build good relationships with them and so far she has had a couple opportunities to wittness but they didn't accept anything.

They said that they would go to church with us when they were here which is very exciting so you all can see them! Just pray that God would do His will, and we could see them get saved! Thank you all so much for doing this for me!

I also ask that you would pray for my family right now as we are having a rough time with things going on in our family(like my dad adopting kids)!!!!!!

1 comment:

Pastor James said...

I will definitely be keeping that in prayer. Who knows if the Lord might use you to be the picture of Him that brings them to Christ.