Friday, July 07, 2006

Keep it up

Hey everybody,
I just wanted to challenge all you guys (and gals) who went on the Mexico trip to continue to do the all the stuff you did down there. The same God who blessed and worked down in Mexico can do the exact thing up here. A couple of years ago Pastor Scott challenge all of the youth group to stay faithful to God and stay humble before Him and let Him use us, that year we saw over 40 people saved at one activity. God can do that again and He can do it with you. Don't let everything stop just because your back at home and not someplace foreign. Grab some tracks, go knock on some doors, serve whenever you can, don't stop the work that God started in your lives down in Mexico. Remain faithful and let God use you, share what God has taught you and be willing to be used.

P.s. on a less serious note sorry for any misspelled words up there, I'm a terrible speller :)

May it be my desire to be humble,

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