Saturday, April 01, 2006

Cool Praise

Seeing that this blog is called "remember him now," i think I will do just that. At the beginning of this semester I was looking in to different ways of getting around campus and found that using a longboard was probably the best way by far. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's like an elongated skateboard, but they usually cost around $50-$100 for the cheap ones. I really couldn't spend that much, but I was praying that if God wanted me to get around campus faster that he would provide a way. This week, I was talking about longboards with a friend, and she said she had one if I could use if I wanted to. Isn't God awesome?! I had completely forgotten about that but God hadn't! Just thought I would share that.


Dan said...

Not that this is what this blog is for, but you know how to longboard?!

Daniel Stover said...

Well lets just say im learning :) Its actually not that hard.