Thursday, March 09, 2006


I'm telling a story about Joseph for Jr. Church on Sunday, so he's been on my mind lately. I think that Joseph is my favorite Bible character. There is just so much to learn from his life! A huge thing that always strikes me every time I read the story is how he was content and serving God in every situation. Joseph wasn't focused on himself and all of the things that had gone "wrong" in his life; he was focused on others. He did his best work for Potiphar and was a servant even in the prison. I love to read this story and see how God worked every detail out in Joseph's life, and how amazing His plan is. It's easy for me to read a Bible story I know well, and gloss over parts of it, but being in prison for two years and all the other things Joseph went through had to be really hard! I'm thankful for the reminder from Joseph's life to be content and trusting God in every situation, no matter what it is. Even though we can't always see it right away, His plan is always good!

When I was at camp this summer, I heard a very good message on Joseph called Prisons, Pits & Palaces...if any of you have time you can download the sermon and handout here.

Deuteronomy 31:8
And the Lord, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee; fear not, neither be dismayed.


CWatson said...

Title your message: "Lessons from a bad day." Use the story "Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day" (or portions thereof) as your introduction. Wrap up your story with how a bad day is really used by God to be a good day for believers.

Rachel R said...

I don't think I ever read that book about Alexander's crummy day. Am I missing an important part of my childhood?