Monday, March 27, 2006


I just wanted to let you all know what God is doing over here at ASU, because he is doing some awesome things! This week IBC and Tri-City have had some amazing messages about being filled with the Spirit and live a life of power and that has really set up what has been going on at ASU this week. If you get a chance go to their website, and you can listen to some of them online. Tonight started our outreach week at ASU, and at first it was really discouraging. We had gone on friday night and plastered signs and posters all over campus about what was going on, but almost all of them were taken down sometime over the weekend. On top of that, a really small group from the church showed up. It was really discouraging, but God let it all happen to show that it isn't going to be us that does the work over at ASU. We started praying and just passing out flyers hoping that we could at least get some visitors to come later in the week, but God gave us so much more. We had two stay for the service and several other contacts who wanted to stay but "just couldn't" tonight. The guy who preaced gave a message about how only God can satisfy and one of the girls that stayed was telling us afterwards that that was her and how she had been searching for awhile. She did not not make a profession of faith, but I think she is very close, she did promise to come tomorrow and throughout the rest of the week. God is so awesome and he is so powerful. He will work through us as long as we are broken before him and willing to be filled with his power! Please keep praying for us!

"May it be my glory to be humble and broken"


Rachel R said...

I'll be praying, Daniel!

Rachel R said... spelled "probably" wrong. Just thought you'd want to know. :)

Dan said...

That's what I'm talking about. That was encouraging to hear. Thanks. and I don't care about your spelling. I just love everybody.

Erika said...

Ill be praying Dan

finally you remembered your password and name. man!

Daniel Stover said...

You know that was really funny Josh, cuz as soon as i pulled it up this eveing i was like man i typed Bod! O well its fixed now! Please keep praying though!

Pastor James said...

Wow, a bunch of critics here, huh :o)

Those opportunities at ASU sound fantastic. Praise the Lord!