Thursday, May 04, 2006

Serve God

Are you serving God?Do you want to serve God? Many people will say "Yes I want to serve God". But you know..they aren't willing to confess and put away those things that are stopping them from serving the Lord. They don't want to give up what they listen to or what they watch or say or whatever it is. And you know that's the problem. God can't use you when you can't even give up what He doesn't want. I just want to ask you guys to stop and think if there is anything blocking you from serving God. If there is confess it make it right and replace it with something that is glorifying to God. God wants to use you but He can't when you aren't willing to do what He wants first.

Moses – The Servant of the Lord

I was recently reading through the book of Joshua, and the other day, I noticed something I had not specifically focused on before. When the book of Joshua looks back to the time of Moses and retells or gives reminders of some of the things that happened during his life, it says something along the lines of “Moses, the servant of the Lord.” Over and over again, those words appear in Joshua following Moses’ name.

How dedicated and focused upon the ministry of the Lord must Moses have been to be repeatedly referred to by that title, even after his time on earth was finished! We should each ask ourselves if such could be said about our lives. Is each of our lives so focused upon pleasing God that the first thing others would think about when they hear our name is "the servant of the Lord"?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Prayer Request

I would really appreciate your prayers this week. There has been alot going on in my life lately and some of the stuff going on is pretty hard. I know that God is good and that He will get me through all of it, but it would be a huge encouragement if you guys would be praying for me. Thanks.